Tuesday, October 31

7 Things I've Learned in 7 Months of Mamahood

Dalton is officially 7 months old! I can't believe how fast time is flying by... Everyone told me that time was going to pass quickly, but I don't think I believed them until now. I seriously feel like Dalton is going to be walking, starting kindergarten and headed to prom way sooner than I can emotionally handle. I decided to reflect a little bit on the things I have learned over his speedy 7 months of life.

1. Comparison is the thief of joy. I think Theodore Roosevelt said that? But seriously... I spent a few months watching my friends with babies who are slightly older than Dalton learn new "tricks". I kept telling myself in a just a few weeks Dalton will have that skill too. I would think about how fun it would be when my little guy would do the same thing... I am quickly learning that Dalton is his own person and he learns at his own pace. He isn't behind schedule, but some things just don't interest him. And that's ok! He loves to sit up. He loves to jump. He loves to talk. He doesn't love rolling or tummy time. And crawling? I don't think that's happening for awhile. I am completely ok with that. Honestly, it gives me a few more weeks to baby proof.

2. Breastfeeding does get easier with time, but I am still not a fan... My goal was to make it to 6 months. That felt like an eternity to me a few months ago! I am pretty sure we can make it to one year assuming I don't have to deal with another clogged duct. We used to spend hours on the couch feeding and now sessions are only a few quick minutes. We still use formula occasionally. And solids are my new best friend! I am happy to say I haven't used my pump for over a month. My favorite things about breastfeeding are definitely cost and convenience. I still don't feel like nursing is some crazy bonding experience, but Dalton might feel differently.

3. The ability to sit up is life changing, y'all. Dalton figured out how to sit up right around 6 months. I didn't realize how much of an impact this skill would have on our lives. He can sit in a shopping cart. This has made the biggest difference for us whenever we have to run to the store. He is completely content to just sit and look around the store. Before he could sit, he was a total grouch every time I tried to run to the store and usually refused to go by myself. He can also sit in a highchair at restaurants. He loves being a part of the "party"! This means we don't have to hold him while we eat and we can order things that might require two hands to eat. We just have to keep our food and drinks out of grabbing range...

4. It's ok to ask for a break sometimes. Mamahood can be completely draining at times. I feel blessed to have a husband who recognizes when I need a minute to myself and encourages me to take one. Sometimes that break involves a trip to the nail salon, but other times it is as simple as laying in bed alone scrolling my newsfeed in peace. I admire all the single mamas out there that do it all and don't get a minute to themselves often enough. I legitimately feel like as a mom you need to take your own timeout to recharge mentally, physically and emotionally. I love my little family, but I am learning that I need to make time for myself to help me be the person my family needs me to be.

5. Staying home is usually easier, but if I am going somewhere I'll probably be late. The amount of items I now need to leave the house is out of control. Every time I think I will run to the store with just a few things, I remember that my little guy likes to poop every single time we are away from home. (Seriously! I couldn't tell you the last time I changed a dirty diaper at home.) The quickest errands, like dropping off a package at the post office, take forever due to loading and unloading a baby. I prefer to do all my shopping on Amazon these days because convenience is everything right now. I try my best to leave the house early, but I am beginning to accept that we will never arrive anywhere on time ever again.

6. Parenting takes exhaustion to a whole new level. I may have mentioned this in my 7 weeks post, but just when you think you have a good thing going - a growth spurt or a TOOTH barge in and ruin it all. I'm pretty sure I haven't slept in months. I am exhausted, but this is my new normal. It's amazing how little sleep you can get and still function. Although if I don't write something down, I will never remember to do it... Mommy brain is a real thing! Ryan and I are both grateful that we waited to finish school before doing this "baby" thing. I can't imagine trying to sit through lectures and complete assignments with no sleep and taking care of a little. I think anyone who does that successfully is a rockstar. Dalton has his two bottom teeth coming in right now which means he is up all night long and super fussy! Only 18 more teeth to go...

7. I am a different person, and that's ok. My priorities have shifted quite a bit, and things that were important before seem silly now. I don't mind leaving my house without my hair and makeup done. I don't mind spending my evenings with my baby and husband. I couldn't tell you the last time I bought something fun for myself instead of Dalton. I worry about things like what would happen to Dalton if Ryan and I passed away. The amount of love I have for Dalton is completely indescribable. I don't think I ever realized that I could love someone soo much. (I know my friend Tracy is thinking "I told ya so!" right now.) I love my niece a lot. I love my dog a lot. BUT the amount of love I have for my own little one is way beyond that!

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading this as I'm preparing to have my own little guy! I'm going to keep this list in mind :)
