Thursday, May 18

7 Things I've Learned in 7 Weeks of Mamahood

It has taken me nearly two weeks to write this post. Every day I have woken up with the intention of writing about the last 7 weeks with this little guy, my first "official" Mother's Day... Every day I have good intentions and a mile long list of things I would like to accomplish, BUT I am quickly learning what my new job as a "mommy" entails.

Here's 7 things I have learned about being a mama and tackling a newborn during Dalton's first 7 weeks of life:
  1. Everyone, literally everyone, has an opinion on how you should parent your child. I had heard this time and time again, but I don't think you realize how true it is until you actually have a child of your own. Everyone has an opinion and many of those people think that only their way is the correct way to do things... I'll spare you ALL the different ways people have told me to care for my new baby. My favorite was the suggestion to sleep train my baby at 3 days old. (I would love to meet someone who has successfully done that! They probably could make millions of dollars off of the sleep deprived parents.) No one knows how to parent my child better than I do. Anyways, my apologies to any friends or family that I have received my unsolicited and uneducated parenting advice. That being said... If you are close to my age and/or have a baby that's a similar age or I ask for your advice, please continue to help a new mama out! 
  2. Breastfeeding is not as "natural", "easy" and "glamourous" as everyone makes it seem. It is hard work, sometimes painful and time consuming. If you're thinking I should head over to my nearest lactation consultant to have a change of heart, you should probably stop reading this part. Dalton gets breast milk every single day and has gotten it since birth. Dalton also gets formula every single day and I am ok with that. I'm all about doing what works for me (and works for Dalton). I am not in love with breastfeeding. I don't feel like it gives me a special bond with my baby that I can only get by putting my boob in his mouth. My baby gets food every single day. His needs are being met and he's growing like crazy. All you "Breast is Best!" people need to chill out. 
  3. Everyone wants to visit newborn babies, especially when it is your first baby. It seems like a nice thing at first, but visitors are exhausting. After checking our calendar, I realized our next month that is visitor free is September. SEPTEMBER! Dalton was born in March... Anyways I am excited that everyone else is excited, but next baby we are going to do things a little different. (I am writing this down to help me remember my true feelings on this subject!) In the future, we are going to limit visitors for a few weeks. I think it is important as new parents to spend time bonding with the baby without other people around. I have also noticed that visitors just want to hold the baby which is nearly impossible at the beginning when the baby just wants to nurse nonstop. Write this down somewhere: New mamas need someone to come clean the bathroom, bring over a meal, take the dog for a walk, etc. New mamas can and prefer to hold their own baby. (The baby prefers to be held by mama too.) After a few minutes of a snuggle session that's offered to you, ask what you can do to help out around the house or leave. 
  4. Uninterrupted tasks are a thing of the past. Currently, I can barely find time to shower each day. I don't remember the last time I ate a balanced meal. My house is only kind of clean because I decided to pay someone to clean it a few weeks ago. Basically, my time is no longer "my time" and my daily accomplishments are completely dependent on how the tiny human feels. I have a new appreciation for single and working moms, and if you're a single working mom - you deserve a trophy. Also. Maternity leave in the United States is a total joke. Newborns can and will take up 100% of your time 24/7. I hear it gets easier, but do we really expect women to make it back to work between 6-8 weeks? 
  5. Growth spurts are soo evil! They sneak up on you right when you feel like you have a good thing going. Dalton wants to nurse, fuss and cuddle nonstop during growth spurts. I read that is pretty typical, but it is still exhausting. Last week he slept for 8 hours straight, 3 nights in a row. Ryan and I were very excited and praying that it would be a long term thing. Nope. He's back to being awake and starving every 2-3 hours at night. And the timing... I guess there's a huge growth spurt between 6-8 weeks. The internet says that once we get through this one, the next one isn't for a few more weeks. This too shall pass? 
  6. Ryan is an amazing dad. It has been so fun watching him adapt to his new role. My husband has never been more attractive than at 3 am with a fussy baby background when he says, "Do you need any help? I can change a diaper." I definitely could not do this job without his support. Everyday he comes home from a long day at work and almost immediately switches into dad mode. He cuddles with the baby, feeds him a bottle, reads him a story, and gets him ready for bed. Ryan does all of this so that I can have a mini break and get a few things done. He was even brave and took Dalton out on the town for a few hours on Saturday all by himself. How lucky am I? 
  7. I love being Dalton's mom. I honestly wasn't sure that I would love it, but it is definitely the best job I have ever had. The hardest, but the best. The sleep deprivation sucks, and so does a crying baby. BUT it's totally worth it! I love when Dalton stares at me like I am the best thing that has ever happened to him. I know I am staring back at him thinking the same exact thing. We've spent the past few days cuddling in bed in our pjs for hours. It is seriously THE BEST. I have loved every moment with my tiny human. He's growing way too fast. I can't believe how quickly the last 7 weeks have flown by...

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